
Carib Charters and Aviation are able to obtain overflight and landing permits for clients through our dedicated 24hr flight operations team. Cuban Overflight permits are necessary for private non-revenue and charter (non-scheduled commercial) flights in Cuban Airspace. Permits are valid for the Zulu day requested, and operators may overfly Cuba using any valid airway. Due to a longstanding relationship with the Cuban Civil Aviation Authority, our team is able to procure your Cuban Overflight Permits within a 24 hour window. We are also able to obtain expedited landing permits within a 4 hour window for an additional cost.

A US Border Overflight Permit allows General Aviation aircraft to overfly the first designated Airport of Entry (AOE) when arriving into the U.S. from below the 30th parallel in the eastern U.S., and below the 33rd parallel in the western U.S. This covers all flights from the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America, and French Polynesia. The team at Carib Charters through their long standing relationship with US CBP headquarters, are able to procure this permit for you which will make you able access multiple AOE all over the USA.